Content Creation Create hyper-targeted content that answers client, and passive prospect questions and needs. Address their pain points and challenges and help them with solutions. Share that content across multiple channels.
Lifecycle Marketing You recognise that people go through stages as they interact with your company and that each stage requires different marketing actions.
Personalisation and Context As you learn more about your leads, you can better personalise your messages to their specific needs. This is important as, from their perspective, the relationship is a personal one. The key to offering an experience that candidates will remember is in this personalisation.
Multi-channel Presence Inbound marketing is multi-channel by nature because it approaches people where they are, in the channel where they want to interact with you. Repurpose the content you create for each channel.
Integration Your publishing and analytics tools work together like a well-oiled machine, so you to focus on publishing the right content in the right place and right time.