The traditional web design model is totally broken
Whether you’re an agency or a business, it leaves you extremely vulnerable to a number of risks and often does not produce optimal results.
Growth-Driven Design is the new gold standard for delivering results and bringing measurable business value through web design. It is a smarter, agile and data-driven approach that minimises the pitfalls of traditional web design and produces high-performing websites.
This new methodology was created by Luke Summerfield, a HubSpot Partner Agency Manager, who went through the struggles of traditional website design for himself. When working at agencies and businesses in the past doing web design, Luke noticed that the entire process was broken; deliverables were late, budgets ran over and the site was never touched again until the big redesign a few years later.
Luke wanted to change the way designers, developers and marketers approached web design. In this book he breaks down exactly what’s fundamentally wrong with the traditional web design process and sets the stage for a better process to follow, Growth-Driven Design (GDD).
Invest the time in reading this book, take notes and start to think about a smarter way to approach web design. We’re happy to clarify any points for you or to explain how GDD can apply to your new website or redesign (turn to the back page for our contact details).